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2022 Summer Baltic Tour Riga Vivat Curlandia/Vilnius Banchetto musicale/NOASS ART Riga

9.11.21 Megaron Athens 

Greece in the Renaissance

26.4.21 Megaron Athens "Εν ωδαίς μεγαλύνομεν"

26.1.20 Thessaloniki Concert Hall Troubadours at the Latin Kingdom of Thessalonica, 1204

8.9.19 Banchetto Musicale, Vilnius, Andromeda, Opera by Bononcini

11.8.19 Samos Festival

Telemann Vivaldi Rebel

22 & 23.7.19 Alte Musik in St Ruprechts,Vienna

Nelle corti d' Oriente

7.6.19 Byzantine Conference, Kalamata

Troubadours at the Latin Kingdom of Thessalonica, 1204

14.4.19 National Opera of Greece-Alternative stage

Visio musicae

7.12.2018 Early Music Festival, Nicosia


19.10 Levendis Museum, Nicosia

Codex Torino J.II.9

3.10.18 Via Medieval Festival, Mainz

Troubadours in the Latin Kingdom of Thessalonica, 1204

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